Monday, April 27, 2009


Ever wonder why our 2 year old kids been acting as if he is the master of his world? Quite funny, but he definitely is his own point of view. This should not be especially surprising. Parents and our preschoolers are usually at least twenty years apart in age and light-years apart in experience, reasoning ability and the capacity for self-control. The number one task facing parents of preschoolers is teaching them appropriate behavior on a level they can understand.

You might one to check this book about handling toddlers and hope it will give you valuable help in dealing with your "little big" kids.

Click Here!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


U.S. President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle said during the presidential campaign that they had promised their two girls a dog after the election... now comes the fulfillment of that promise.

The Obamas repeatedly said they wanted it to be a rescued dog such as one from a shelter. Their search was complicated by daughter Malia's allergies, which would rule out many of the "mutts" the president has said he would prefer.

"Bo" that's the name of this Portuguese water dog is a gift to the Obamas' daughters, Malia and Sasha. They tend to be high-energy "in-your-face" dogs that need a lot of attention, and their curly coats require a lot of maintenance, which is definitely will be maintained since he is the First Family's pet, no doubt about it.

I personally being a parent and have promised something for my kids will definitely make sure I'll be true to my words. I can just imagine now how happy their 2 kids upon seeing their beautiful pet.

Meet Bo, the additional member of Obama's family.

Friday, April 10, 2009


While we are surfing the internet, my kids find this amazing video about Easter.

Easter is the glorified day wherein our Lord comes to life again and win victoriously over evil. Angels are singing triumphantly in heavens and so we should shout for joy and sing as well! We are very blessed and very much love coz God offer HIS whole life for us to be saved.

God bless all of you!

Turn up the volume, then double-click on the following text:


Wednesday, March 25, 2009


The different languages of love is defined in 5 simple ways:

1. Words of affirmation - here people felt love when they heard praise from love one, they called it verbal appreciation. This is basically important in growing kids. Children wants to hear from their parents appreciation in all the things they do like for example "my daughter is so smart, she is in top 2 of her class", well my daughter gave me a big hug & a super kiss! just by hearing the words from me. They felt special. This language of love works for many adults too. For wife, hearing from her husband, "you look MORE beautiful on that dress" gives charming smile from any woman's lips.

2. Quality time - There are person who appreciate more if you give them undivided attention, a set time for her/him alone. People of this category value the time you give to them and they felt love by how you set aside other things just to be with them.

3. Receiving gifts - People that mostly fall in this category are those who see or felt love in a form of showing and giving them material things. This does not mean expensive gifts but something tangible that they can feel or touch even if you are not around.

4. Act of service - Some people felt love when you do something for them, like for husband helping the wife clean the dishes or cook dinner and vice versa, the wife washes the car while her husband is busy with something. But you have to be careful with this type of language of love, you have to do the service because you love to and without any reason at all.

5. Physical touch - basically this language of love pertains to human touch, a simple holding hands or embrace from your love one is felt by people falling under this category that he is loved. Also included here are physical intimacy or sex between husband & wife, wherein you felt love when you have body touch.

"Do unto others what you want others to do unto you" a simple yet clear message from the bible. If you show love & respect to each other and we exert extra effort to know what makes them to feel appreciated then it would be easy to live in a place sorrounded by wonderful considerate people.

Thanks to Dr. Chapman for his wonderful article about languages of love.